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Greenhouse foundation

The mounting of Ecoslider greenhouse is always executed on the zinc-coated metal foundation frame which you get with fastenings included to fix the greenhouse firmly to the ground.

The frame can be mounted on the leveled ground and grassplot or on the prepared foundation.

If you've decided to prepare the foundation for the future greenhouse by yourself then we recommend a concrete strip foundation poured along the perimeter with the walls 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) thick. The good alternative is a stone foundation made from bricks.

NB! Please take into account the external size of the greenhouse.

Types of foundations appropriate for EcoSlider greenhouses:

Galvanised metal foundation frame (included)

Easy and convenient solution. It always goes with the fastenings (long dowel bars) for reliable fixation the frame to the ground, which are knocked deeply into the ground.
Time: up to 2 hours
Pros: the simpliest solution

Galvanised metal foundation frame with thermal insulation filler

The easiest and convenient solution. Foundation frame has additional level of thermal insulation filler that helps to increase overall greenhouse thermal insulation up to extra 15-20%.
Time: up to 2 hours
Pros: simple, but smart option

Wooden beam

That is a cheapest but might be considered as a least esthetic option. We recommended to make base from larch beam with cross-section of 50x150mm and treated with linseed oil. We do not recommend to use already treated building wooden beams, as there could be toxic substances in the treatment, which can be absorbed by the roots of the plants and penetrate to the crop.
Time: up to 2 hours
Pros: the cheapest option

Concrete foundation

It is the best solution for the greenhouse mounting. It is more expensive than all abovementioned foundation types and it takes two or three days to build, but as from the aesthetics and functionality this is the best foundation type.
Time: up to 3 days
Pros: functionality and aestetics. Best solution!

Foundation from stone brick

It is also a good solution. To build it takes also time, it is little cheaper than the concrete one, but it looks nice.
Time: up to 3 days
Pros: functionality and aestetics

Bored piles

In areas with strong winds it's smart choice to use bored piles, on which the metal foundation frame could be placed.
Time: 1 day
Pros: best solution for windy areas

When mounting it is recommended to execute the following:

  • remove the top layer of soil (about 2-6 inch thick (5–15cm)),
  • level the surface for the future foundation,
  • fill this area with small stones and cover it with a layer of sand,
  • tamp down the stones and the sand,
  • it is recommended to lay the strip of roofing felt or similar texture (not included) between future foundation and tamped down ground,
  • build the foundation or assemble the metal frame,
  • check if the foundation (frame) is well leveled (*),
  • check the diagonals so that they have equal length (*),
  • after mounting the greenhouse make sure that the construction is properly fastened to the ground(*),
  • when mounting is completed, the gap between the foundation frame and the ground shall be filled preferably with extra soil(*).

* obligatory items, check the manual for further information

As the head of the company I attach great importance to the opinions of our customers. I strive to ensure that are services always remain at top quality, so I ask you to send all your suggestions, comments, possible claims and gratitude to my corporate and/or personal e-mail: a.farber@ecoslider.com .

With gratitude,
Board member
A. Farber

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