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Greenhouses service conditions

Appropriate mounting of the greenhouse

1. Appropriate mounting of the greenhouse is a guarantee of its long service life. If you prefer to mount it by yourselve, it is necessary to make the mounting strictly according to all items and conditions indicated in the mounting manual.

2. In case of self-maintained mounting of the greenhouse, you should remember that it is better to make the mounting on a flat surface.

3. Greenhouse mounting should be maintained on the distance of not less than 150 cm from other objects, for example, closed sheathing, greenhouses, buildings etc. Otherwise, the snow falling from the greenhouse can make a big bank, which can damage the construction by pressure to the sidewalls of the greenhouse.

4. The greenhouse should be reliably fastened on the foundation, base frame or built foundation. If the greenhouse is well fastened it won`t be afraid of strong winds and it will be more secured during the storm.

In the future, these measures will help to avoid frosty land blow-ups and deformation of foundation. Even a light deformation of the foundation can cause the door jam.

In case of storm

It is highly recommended to study the recommendations, which are given when one buys a greenhouse "Recommendations on the greenhouse preparation to the storm wind". This information can be also found on the website of the company. Here are basic preparatory actions. Be sure that the following items are fulfilled:

• all doors and window leafs shall be closed
• all fastens to the ground are thoroughly fixed and sunk in ground,
• if there are automatic windows it is necessary to unscrew adjustable cams from the automatic ventilation mechanism on window leafs in the roof.

Prepare for the winter

In winter it is necessary to fulfil the following recommendations:

• to dismount the window automatic system and keep it under the temperature 0+ (above zero),
• to remove the water distribution device,
• to drain water from the water distribution system,
• to lock all window leafs in closed position,
• to close all the doors.

NB! It is prohibited to treat metal framing and polycarbonate with any conservation substances.

As the head of the company I attach great importance to the opinions of our customers. I strive to ensure that are services always remain at top quality, so I ask you to send all your suggestions, comments, possible claims and gratitude to my corporate and/or personal e-mail: .

With gratitude,
Board member
A. Farber

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We manufacture & sell the best and solid greenhouses in Estonia and European Union.

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